2021 Feature

Learning From Leading RIAs With Mark Bruno

In this episode of The Data Possible Podcast, Mark Bruno, Managing Director of Wealth Management at Informa, talks about RIA Edge, a new platform for leaders of RIA firms to learn, connect, and ultimately identify new growth strategies and opportunities that will shape the future of their businesses. Through a mix of data, rankings, multimedia, and face-to-face events, RIA Edge is designed to highlight the strategies and successes of the industry’s leading firms.

In this episode, you will learn:

  • What successful RIAs are doing to drive growth
  • Challenges advisors are seeing and what are they doing to combat them
  • Why it’s important to create and focus more content towards the RIA community
  • Why people should be reinvesting in the business
  • How small- and mid-sized firms can learn from the largest and fastest growing RIAs and accelerate their growth

Resources: Discovery Data | RIA Edge | Advisorpedia